WHO: Anyone who wants to learn how to cover something with fabric, vinyl or leather. It's even better if you have someone to help so we allow you to bring a helper at no additional cost. If you finish your project, you can then do theirs if you want. However, only one project at a time.
WHAT: Learn how to tear down something already covered. It's already bare, but you like the shape and/or size of the frame? Learn how to design the new covering and do it as you envision it. Learn how to use the tools of the trade. LEARN HOW TO WORK SAFELY! Working safely is #1 priority. Finishing your project is #2. Learn by doing your project. Learn by watching others doing different projects.
WHEN: Monday evenings. Come at 5-go home at 8. Come at 6-go home at 9. The class runs for ten weeks at three hours a night for a total of thirty classroom/lab hours of working on your project. I am student friendly...if you come at 5:30, go home at 8:30. If you can only work for two hours some evening make it up the next night, If you want to work four hours a night, you are done in about seven weeks. If you need to miss a week, you have 30 hours coming to you within ten weeks. Arrange your time to suit your schedule. Since I have goats to start to milk by no later than 9PM, when our daughter isn't here to do it, I will let you know that we are on a deadline that night. It is flexible scheduling of 30 hours. No marked down grade...no frowns... no sighs of exasperation if you do not punch the time clock on the hour or 15 minute increments. Your final is being able to finish within ten weeks -- or less.
WHERE: 4802 ADOBE STREET SE SALEM 97317. 503-364-0854 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 503-364-0854 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 503-364-0854 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 503-364-0854 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting Lots of room to park. You may also leave your project on site, unless you want to take it home and work on it.
WHY: I wish I could say because I enjoy sharing the craft so much that I do it for free, but that's only in my dreams. Becky and I do it together. It's a way we get paid for a night out together. You may have been quoted a price for someone to do your project and you nearly choked. You may want it before someone else can do it. OR... you cannot afford to have it done, but you have the time . There have been more than a dozen who have done the class and have continued doing it for pay. You may not be looking for a business venture, but when someone asks you about your piece, and asks if you would do something for them, you can earn while you learn. Your next semester's tuition can be part of the price for doing their project. At that point, you are in the business. You can work as little or as much as you want.
HEALTH and SAFETY STANDARDS: When you are pulling or driving tacks or staples, eye protection is a must. "No, N-----e, wearing them on top of your head, does not count!"
If a projects comes from an environment where there has been smoking, it cannot come into the shop if it has any lingering odor. Tobacco seems to have an ionic bond with fabrics or other materials which are smoke free. Smoker's clothing also carries and transmits the odor. We cannot afford to have the lingering odors in the shop transferring to someone else's project.
CLASS COSTS: The course fee is $200.00 for 30 hours. A couch sized project is $300.00, and class size goes from maximum of FIVE down to maximum of FOUR (i.e., two couches and a chair, the class is full). Here, as with the time, there are options. It figures out to $20.00 a night for the three hours, or $30.00 a night for a couch. I am not the antichrist, but it does figure out as $6.66 an hour for the $20.00 sized projects. You can pay by the hours each night if that better suits your budget. Because of a limited enrollment, and there is a waiting list,the fee is for the full 30 hours even if you finish early (you can start another project of the same tuition level).
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES or TOOLS: Since I am an operating shop, I have a lot of the needed items on hand. You are welcome to purchase stuff from me at about 10% over my actual cost, or get it wherever you get the best price. I have three foam suppliers. Two deliver free of charge on Thursday. That saves $$ on shipping. The one from Eugene area says I must have at least a $75.00 minimum for free shipping. The one from Portland has no minimum, but they also do not carry all of the other things which are used. One of our daughters is near one of the suppliers who carry all the good stuff, so it is possible she can do a pick-up for us. Since our other daughter often goes to visit, we can chip in something for time and fuel if she is getting us something. The truck shippers are really expensive.
This is by no means a complete syllabus. If you are doing a car, boat or airplane seat, what you do is vastly different from a couch or a dining room chair. If you have questions write to [email protected] or call 503-364-0854 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 503-364-0854 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 503-364-0854 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
WHAT: Learn how to tear down something already covered. It's already bare, but you like the shape and/or size of the frame? Learn how to design the new covering and do it as you envision it. Learn how to use the tools of the trade. LEARN HOW TO WORK SAFELY! Working safely is #1 priority. Finishing your project is #2. Learn by doing your project. Learn by watching others doing different projects.
WHEN: Monday evenings. Come at 5-go home at 8. Come at 6-go home at 9. The class runs for ten weeks at three hours a night for a total of thirty classroom/lab hours of working on your project. I am student friendly...if you come at 5:30, go home at 8:30. If you can only work for two hours some evening make it up the next night, If you want to work four hours a night, you are done in about seven weeks. If you need to miss a week, you have 30 hours coming to you within ten weeks. Arrange your time to suit your schedule. Since I have goats to start to milk by no later than 9PM, when our daughter isn't here to do it, I will let you know that we are on a deadline that night. It is flexible scheduling of 30 hours. No marked down grade...no frowns... no sighs of exasperation if you do not punch the time clock on the hour or 15 minute increments. Your final is being able to finish within ten weeks -- or less.
WHERE: 4802 ADOBE STREET SE SALEM 97317. 503-364-0854 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 503-364-0854 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 503-364-0854 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 503-364-0854 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting Lots of room to park. You may also leave your project on site, unless you want to take it home and work on it.
WHY: I wish I could say because I enjoy sharing the craft so much that I do it for free, but that's only in my dreams. Becky and I do it together. It's a way we get paid for a night out together. You may have been quoted a price for someone to do your project and you nearly choked. You may want it before someone else can do it. OR... you cannot afford to have it done, but you have the time . There have been more than a dozen who have done the class and have continued doing it for pay. You may not be looking for a business venture, but when someone asks you about your piece, and asks if you would do something for them, you can earn while you learn. Your next semester's tuition can be part of the price for doing their project. At that point, you are in the business. You can work as little or as much as you want.
HEALTH and SAFETY STANDARDS: When you are pulling or driving tacks or staples, eye protection is a must. "No, N-----e, wearing them on top of your head, does not count!"
If a projects comes from an environment where there has been smoking, it cannot come into the shop if it has any lingering odor. Tobacco seems to have an ionic bond with fabrics or other materials which are smoke free. Smoker's clothing also carries and transmits the odor. We cannot afford to have the lingering odors in the shop transferring to someone else's project.
CLASS COSTS: The course fee is $200.00 for 30 hours. A couch sized project is $300.00, and class size goes from maximum of FIVE down to maximum of FOUR (i.e., two couches and a chair, the class is full). Here, as with the time, there are options. It figures out to $20.00 a night for the three hours, or $30.00 a night for a couch. I am not the antichrist, but it does figure out as $6.66 an hour for the $20.00 sized projects. You can pay by the hours each night if that better suits your budget. Because of a limited enrollment, and there is a waiting list,the fee is for the full 30 hours even if you finish early (you can start another project of the same tuition level).
MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES or TOOLS: Since I am an operating shop, I have a lot of the needed items on hand. You are welcome to purchase stuff from me at about 10% over my actual cost, or get it wherever you get the best price. I have three foam suppliers. Two deliver free of charge on Thursday. That saves $$ on shipping. The one from Eugene area says I must have at least a $75.00 minimum for free shipping. The one from Portland has no minimum, but they also do not carry all of the other things which are used. One of our daughters is near one of the suppliers who carry all the good stuff, so it is possible she can do a pick-up for us. Since our other daughter often goes to visit, we can chip in something for time and fuel if she is getting us something. The truck shippers are really expensive.
This is by no means a complete syllabus. If you are doing a car, boat or airplane seat, what you do is vastly different from a couch or a dining room chair. If you have questions write to [email protected] or call 503-364-0854 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 503-364-0854 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 503-364-0854 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting.